Early Autumn, Roger Full starts at The Royal Theater at Kingston.



Midsummer at The Rooster Claw, Glenn Scott trust Roger Full, that he likes to wait a while before he and his wife, Mattie, wants any more kids, so he buys contraception potion from 'Sukri and Sullivan at Nooxy Joint.

Roger Full like to make love to Fenella Twinley, so he persuades his sister, Hillary Full, they all goes to Nooxy Joint to buy contraception potion.

At The Red Rooster Glenn Scott, Roger and Hillary Full are checking in, and Roger Full play some tunes, while Hillary Full is singing and dancing to it.

Next day, they goes to the shop of Sukri and Sullivan to buy the contraception potion.

Louise Sullivan is wondering, what Roger Full is going to use the contraception potion for since he's so young.

Roger Full tells, he's sweet on a girl, and he likes to present her with contraception potion.

Louise Sullivan is chocked, he intends to charm a girl with contraception potion. He at lest needs a intimacy charm and a bottle of aromatized fragrance to encharm her. Roger Full buys both.

Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan promise to celebrate next Christmas at The Rooster Claw to see how the charm had worked for Roger Full.

Early Autumn, Fenella Twinley gets a kiss from Roger Full, who is arriving with his sister, Hillary Full, and Fenella Twinley introduces her for Fenella's cousin, Neville Books.

Roger Full gifts Fenella Twinley with the intimacy charm and a bottle of aromatized fragrance, Roger Full had bought for her durring the summer. Fenella Twinley immediately feels wet, when Roger Full subsequently squeezes her.

Fenella Twinley feels completely bewitched by Roger Full, when Raymond Riche and Finola Milies comes and to take care of Neville Books and Hillary Full, when Eileen Twinley pinches her, to get her to her own lodging.

Finola Milies helps Raymond Riche showing Neville Books and Hillary Full their lodgings, while Roger Full is following Fenella Twinley, who's heifty argumenting with Eileen Twinley.

When the lectures starts, Irene Riche annonces, she's getting married at the Early Winter, and her brother Raymond Riche has written some music for the wedding, at she'll like Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley to dance at her wedding, so they will be practicing for the wedding this autumn.

Autumn Equinox, They are all practice for the wedding, and in the breaks, Roger Full is kissing and cuddling with Fenella Twinley and Finola Milies is kissing and cuddling Raymond Riche and Hillary Full and Neville Books are kissing and cuddling, too.

Late Autumn, Meanwhile, Roger Full is kissing and cuddling Fenella Twinley, and Neville Books is kissing and cuddling Hillary Full.

Curtis Warner have made some costumes for Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley to perform in at the wedding show, they are giving at his own and Irene Riche's wedding.

Neville Books and Roger Full are praising Hillary Full and Fenella Twinley in their new dresses and tell them, they think, they are looking gorgeous.

Next day, Finola Milies tells Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley, that Roger Full has been banging her. To make her point absolutely clear to Fenella Twinley, Finola Milies takes Roger Full with her home after the lecture, to demonstrate, she have Roger Full absolutely under her thum.

Early Winter, Curtis Warner and Irene Riche is throwing their wedding and Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley were dancing to the music of Raymond Riche, Roger Full and Neville Books is playing.

The wedding show goes very well, and Curtis Warner and Irene Riche gets married.

Autumn Equinox, They are all practice for the wedding, and in the breaks, Roger Full is kissing and cuddling with Fenella Twinley and Finola Milies is kissing and cuddling Raymond Riche and Hillary Full and Neville Books are kissing and cuddling, too.

Late Autumn, Hillary Full is starting to be fond of Neville Books, and starts fancying to have Neville Books to pop her cherry.

Hence, Hillary Full asks her brother, Roger, if he have some of the contraception potion, he brougt last summer, left, and if she can have some of it.

Roger Full, haven't had any luck at Fenella Twinley, and Finola Milies has her own, so he has plenty left over, and he gives his sister, Hillary, some 2 bottles of contraception potion, she can use when she's banging with Neville Books.

Early Winter, Curtis Warner and Irene Riche is throwing their wedding and Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley were dancing to the music of Raymond Riche, Roger Full and Neville Books is playing.

After the Final rehearsal, Hillary Full is coquetting with Neville Books, and gets him in her lodging.

At the lodging of Hillary Full, Neville Books pops her cherry.

The wedding show goes very well, and Curtis Warner and Irene Riche gets married.

Early in the morning at the lodging of Roger Full, Hillary Full finds her brother, Roger, in the process of dressing and packing the last of his things.

Roger Full explains Hillary Full, he finally got Fenella Twinley laid late night. Hillary replies: At last! she had banged with Neville Books some days ago.

Then, they fetched their horses at the stables, and begin riding home for Rooster Claw.

Christmas, when Roger and Hillary Full reached The Rooster Claw, Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan have already arrived, and are snuggling together at the inn.

While Caroline Sukri is cuddling Louise Sullivan, she's currious to know, if Roger Full had any luck with his undertaking, to score a girl at The Royal Theatre.

Roger Full tells, he just has got the girl laid before he left The Royal Theatre as he left for Christmas vacation, his sister, however, has used half of the contraception potion to bang her boyfriend.

It because Roger Full needs to have his target adligned, and was humping the wrong girl all the time. She had just shagged with her boyfriend.

Roger Full explains, he did gave Fenella Twinley the intimacy charm, he bought for her, but she gave it to her friend, and enchanted by the charm, he kept bumping uglies with Finola Milies instead of Fenella Twinley.

We have to be more careful with the charms because the magic of the charms can backfire.

At her wagon, Caroline Sukri finds 12 bottles of contraception potion to be shared between Hillary and Roger Full an intimacy charm and a bottle of aromatized fragrance for Roger Full he can gifts Fenella Twinley with.

Louise Sullivan hopes, the new intimacy charm wíll contrabalance the first unfortunate charm, but she warns Roger Full, it might make Finola Milies and Fenella Twinley fight over him.

Hillary and Roger Full says goodbey to Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan, who exspect to see them next summer at The Red Rooster in Nooxy Joint.

Then Hillary and Roger Full fetche their horses at the stable of The Rooster Claw and rides off to Kingston.


Late Winter, Neville Books and Hillary Full are happy to see one an other again after the summer vacation, and soon they pationate are bumping uglies at the lodging of Neville Books.

When the lectures start, both Lavinia O'Connor and Irene Warner are visible pregnant.

Raymond Riche proclaimes the final habeas corpus of Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies, shall be, under the supervisoin by Irene Warner, to instructing a ballet for the new childen, who is comming during the Spring. Raymond Riche will compose the music for the dance, and play it with Roger Full and Neville Books. Shuan Riche, the mother of Irene and Raymond, will do some exercises with Hillary Full and Fenella Twinley, and thet will help Eileen and Finola with their ballet when they get it ready.

Finola Milies gets pritty annoyed, when she looks at the heively pregnant Lavinia O'Connor, who's carrying the visible evidence of Raymond Riche infidelity against Finola, but she's comforted by her love to Irene Warner.

Early Spring, When Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley return from the perfumery, they start instructing Fenella Twinley and Hillary Full on their ballet, and to the annoyment of Fenella Twinley, Finola Milies begins to kiss and flirt with Roger Full, amorously.

Spring Equinox, Raymond Riche is absent from the lessons, because he's attending Lavinia O'Connor giving childbirth their girl, Perle O'Conner, so Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies are to instuct their ballet, Fenella Twinley and Hillary Full dancing, and Roger Full and Neville Books playing the music, under supervisoin of the heively pregnant Irene Riche.

Neville Books and Hillary Full are pationately kissing all the time, and Fenella Twinley is obiously annoyed, when Finola Milies is kissing and cuddling Roger Full.

Late Spring, Finola Miles wants to make love with her lover, Roger Full, one final time before she passes her habeas corpus, and ending the school at The Royal Theater.

Fenella Twinley is grateful, that Finola Miles will soon pass her habeas corpus, so she can have Roger Full for her self.

Early Summer, both Eileen Twinley and Finola Miles passes their final habeas corpus in dance at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone together, and to leave The Royal Theater afterwards.

Roger Full and Fenella Twinley are making love a last time, before the go home for Summer Semester. They agree to see each other again, when the school starts again after the vacation.

Early Summer At Arts And Crafts Town, Neville Books is snuggling Hillary Full goodbye and Fenella Twinley is snuggling Roger Full goodbye.

Fenella Twinley is looking very suspicious at Finola Milies, when Roger Full congratulates with her graduatetion and kissing her goodbye for the last time.

When they have kissed goodbye, Finola Milies, Fenella Twinley and Neville Books are mounting the carriage of Bella Delaney, who then drives of to Mareton.

At the end of Early Summer, Charity Carbolt visits her older cousin, Glenn Scott, at The Rooster Claw at Wondon. To avoid having too many kids, he tell her, that his wife, Mattie Scott, uses an contraception potion from Sukri and Sullivan in Nooxy Joint, however, the have ran dry of the potion.

Roger Full have just returned to Rooster Claw on vication from The Royal Theater in Kingston, and he's entertaining with songs at the inn. Charity Carbolt is very capteruated but him.

Summer Equinox, Glenn Scott and Charity Carbolt returns from Nooxy Joint.

Roger Full is singing some songs at The Rooster Claw, and when has finished, Charity Carbolt informs Roger Full, she has bought some contraception potion, and she will like to make love with him, though she got got a boyfriend back home at Guttric Castle, Arthur Bardek.

Roger Full tells, he got a girlfriend, Fenella Twinley, too, back at The Theater in Kingston. However, Roger Full has just ended his relationship with his lover, Finola Miles, so Fenella Twinley is used to share him with his lover.

Then, they goes to the room of Charity Carbolt, where is takes a sip of the contraception potion, before Roger Full's popping her cherry.

Early Autumn, Fenella Twinley is very happy to see Roger Full again after the Summer Semester, and they make love to selebrate their reunion.

Fenella Twinley is very pleased, Finola Miles have finished at The Royal Theater, so she doesn't needs to share Roger Full with her again this year.

Roger Full doesn't tell her about his adventure with Charity Carbolt this summer, though.



Midsummer, Olly Weiliver marries Hillary Full.

Christmas, Olly Weiliver and Hillary makes love-


Early Spring, Hillary Weiliver discovers she's pregnant.

Early Summer, Hillary Full graduate on The Royal Theater at Kingston.

Autumn Equinox, Hillary Weliver gives birth to Vera Weiliver.



Sally Miller takes Judith with her to Rooster Claw, and goes to Rooster Claw, where she demands, Roger Full marry her.

Roger Full marries Sally Miller.


Sally Miller gives birth to Eliot Full.




Sally Miller gives birth to Sarah Full.


Hillary Weliver gives birth to Harriet Weiliver.


Hillary Weliver gives birth to Patrick Weiliver.